How to create an informed owl assisted question

Questions can be generated with Owlya Assist through shared information or materials of your own. This way, Owlya creates questions based your given input for a more focused and informed result. This can be done in the following steps:

  1. Select Add New Question on the Question Bank page.
  2. Select the Owl Assist (Informed) option to get AI generated questions with materials required.
  3. If the material or information to be provided has not been previously imported or pasted, select Add New Material to Import or Paste the information or details you would like to provide. Otherwise, select your previously imported material from any given list of existing ones. Materials are automatically stored on first usage.
  4. Select your preferred Question Type, set the Difficulty Level, enter the Number of Questions desired and the Topic of interest.
  5. Review the AI generated questions, select all or your preferred options and click Import Questions into Owlya Question Bank.

You can Generate New Question in the case of an undesired result using the same or different inputs.