How To Create Email Template For A Report

Email Templates are saved email responses that instructors can attach to reports.  You can edit a template or choose not to use one when sending your report. Templates can be saved to the system and reused as you please. Create email templates for your reports using the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Reports page and select Create Email Template

2. Enter the Template Name, Subject, and type in the Email Address you’d like to Reply To. Note, you should have the recipient’s email already saved in contacts for this work.

3. Write the content of your email into the box provided for Body Message. A preview of the email will show in the Template Preview box. 

4. Use Template Variables to add more information to your email template. Preset variables you can add to the template subject or body include –  contact’s first name, contact’s last name, assessment name, publication date, report link, score, start time, time taken, and completion time.