How To Send A Report

An assessment Report can be sent to test-takers, administrators, schools, or employees. This can be done in the following steps:

1. Navigate to the Submissions page.

2. Select an assessment to send a report for from the list of submissions.

3. Click on a submission to see more details about it.

4. Select Send Report.

5. Tick the sections to download. However if you’ve already set this feature in Report Configuration, then it’ll be preset. 

6. Select the recipients using Send Report To. You can send to a Contact; in this case you select the recipient from a saved list or Add Contact. For Group of Contacts; choose from a saved list or Add Group. Or you can use the Email Address option to type in the email address of recipients.

7. Select Email Template to use a saved template for your report. When you select a template, the Subject will show, and contents will be displayed in the Body box. You can click Add Template if you do not have one saved. This will redirect you to the Reports page.

8. Show Email Variables displays a list of variables you can add to the body of your report. To include them, simply copy the variables’ value and paste. Using the system’s email variables is optional. 

9. Choosing not to use email variables for your report, opens up the Attach Report option. This adds a Download link to your report. Unticking that option, sends only the content of your email and no download links.