How To Create A Rubric

The use of Rubrics simplify the grading process for instructors, especially when they have multiple subjective questions to assess. Rubrics help you maintain a uniform marking scheme. Here’s how to create a Rubric on the site:

1. Go to the Assessment page, there you’ll find Rubrics.

2. Click Add Rubric, then click Create.

3. For your rubric, you can select the Grid or List view.

4. In the List View, you can outline the Rubric Components/ criteria you’re looking for in an assessment. Those rubric components will be used to grade test-taker’s submissions. An example of grading criteria can be “Use of Vocabulary” for an English Proficiency rubric. Add descriptions for each criteria in the rubric. 

5. Use Grid View to categorize the criteria for your rubric, then assign points to them based on their level of proficiency (e.g: 1-4). Criteria in grid view can be Exemplary, Proficient, Developing, Expectation etc. Categories can be Grammar and Syntax, Spelling, Pronunciation, etc. 

6. Before you create a Rubric, know what the total score for a question is. If a specific question is over 10, then give your rubrics component 2 points each. 

7. You can add Rubric Category as you please, and add Rubric Component to a category. You can delete too. 

8. You may move rubric components from one category to another.